
I offer consultations to clients involving decision making. Perhaps you are at a crossroads in your life and not sure of your next step. Our work tends to be more factually based. For example this is what we know about something, and this is what we do not know. This is what you would like clarity around. The more information we have the better decisions we make. I can help direct you towards getting the help or support you need in order to become more informed.

Consultations do not involve psychotherapy. If it is determined that talking to a therapist would be helpful I can help direct you towards finding those resources. Consultations do not involve life coaching. If it is determined that talking to a life coach would be helpful I can help direct you towards finding those resources. Consultations do not involve financial or legal advice. However I will assist you in finding adequate services.

Rendering of consultation services prohibits the option for a subsequent psychotherapy/client relationship

If I have provided consultation services to you I cannot also provide you with psychotherapy. If I have been your psychotherapist in the past, and at some stage in the future I see you in the capacity as a consultant, the rendering of any future psychotherapy services will be forfeited.